Wednesday, February 11, 2009


so far i like the book because it is very interesting to me because of the things she's going through! I think it is wrong what her dad is doing to her. I wouldn't wish that for anybody that is so discusting and wrong for her own father to be doing that to her and especially twice! I hope she turns things around and somehow she gets both the mom and the dad in trouble for what they r doing because they both know and nobody is doing shit about it !!!!! i would reccomend this book to anybody because it is interesting and will keep u guessing on what will happen next. i can't wait to c what happens in the end!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Goldfish live in fresh water. A common goldfish has two sets of paired of fins -the pectoral fins and pelvic fins and three single fins the dorsal, caudal, and anal fin. Goldfish have large eyes small sences of smell and hearing. They have 27-31 scales along their lateral lines. Goldfish have teeth in their throat to crush their food. Goldfish can grow upto 3kg and 45cm long but usually much smaller. Breeding happens in the summer and in an indoor aquarium it can happen year around. Goldfish are omnivores they eat plants and insectIn the wild, breeding occurs during the summer; breeding can occur year round in indoors.

Monday, January 5, 2009

  1. Academic: Come to school on time this whole week!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Child: Don't take my baby out when it's cold unless i really have to i will cover her up so she won't get sick!
  3. Personal: Eat less junk food daily.
  4. Future: STay focused on positive things......