Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What pregnancy symptoms did you suffer good or bad and what crazy cravings did you have???????????

What pregnancy symptoms did you suffer? What crazy cravings did you have?
The crazy symptoms I had were when I brushed my tounge I would have to throw up and I hated that because my stomach would tighten up and it would feel weird. I also hated the fact that I was going to gain alot of weight and that I would have to loose the weight by myself and keep it up. The crazy cravings I had were a very cold soda but it would have to have alot of ice. I would also crave hot cheetoe puffs but they were discontinued at that time so I had to wait until they came back out. I also craved some candy but those were also discontinued and I never got to eat those but I craved them very bad.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The First Part Last

When i told my mom i was pregnant she told me that i better have my baby. She wasn't mad about it like most parents would be and plus we already been through this once but i didn't have the baby i had an abortion "long story". My mom just was concerned that how my boyfriend and i were going to take care of the baby.My dad was the one who was like oh my gosh again and was asking me what i wanted to do. I don't live with him so he can't really say anything.